
Financial Hardship Policy

About this policy

The Financial Hardship Policy (policy) assists customers who can’t meet their Swoop Broadband internet service financial obligations but expect to be able to over time, with changes to their payment arrangements.

In this policy the words ‘we’, ‘our’, ‘us’ and ‘Swoop’ are all references to Swoop Telecommunications Pty Ltd ABN 87 109 931 731 and its related bodies corporate.

This policy is accessible on our website and is distributed to customers and former customers (together, ‘customers’) and our staff.

Our Chief Executive Officer (or equivalent) has approved this policy and is responsible for ensuring its implementation, operation and compliance with any applicable regulations and industry codes.

By using any Swoop Broadband service (services) you agree to comply with the terms of this policy.

Statement of intent

Swoop Broadband understands that it can be hard to maintain telephone and internet services during financial hardship periods and we are here to help. We can offer temporary or long-term help, depending on your circumstances. We will provide help suitable to your situation, assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Contact us

If you are experiencing financial hardship, get in touch with our support team so we can help you in the best way we can. Call us on 1300 66 55 75 or email [email protected] . We are available from 8am to 9pm Monday to Friday 9am to 6 pm Saturdays, and 12pm to 6pm on Sundays and public holidays.

To access your financial hardship eligibility, we may ask you to provide:

  • a statutory declaration or official written communication from a person or support group that is familiar with your circumstances
  • evidence that you have consulted a recognised financial counsellor
  • your financial position statement

We may also require supporting documents if the financial arrangement is long-term, the amount to be repaid is significant, if our staff identifies or has the suspicion that there is a possibility of misconduct or fraud, or if the customer has not been with us for long. We may use the information you provide, as well as other information available to us.

We will then work with you to come to an arrangement that allows you to pay your outstanding charges in a way that does not worsen your financial position.

When we’ve come to an agreement, we’ll confirm the agreement in writing (via letter or email).

If you wish to seek review of the outcome of a financial hardship application, please follow our complaints handling policy. 

Options that may be available

  • spend controls
  • transferring to a plan that includes shaping
  • low-cost interim options
  • temporarily postponing or deferring payments
  • waving late payment fees
  • waving cancelling fees

Finding a financial counsellor

If you want independent, confidential advice from qualified financial advisor at no cost, talk to a financial counsellor by calling 1800 007 007 (minimum opening hours are 9.30 am to 4.30 pm Monday to Friday). This number will automatically switch through to the service in the state or territory closest to you. You can also find financial counselling services near you by visiting www.financialcounsellingaustralia.org.au/Corporate/Find-a-Counsellor. ‘Money Help,’ a website run by the Victorian State Government, also offers useful tools and resources for those experiencing financial hardship: www.moneyhelp.org.au