Credit Management Policy

About this policy

This document is our Credit Management Policy (policy). In this policy the words ‘we’, ‘our’, ‘us’ and ‘Swoop’ are all references to Swoop Telecommunications Pty Ltd ABN 87 109 931 731 and its related bodies corporate.

 This policy is accessible on our website and is distributed to customers and former customers (together, ‘customers’) and our staff.  

Our Chief Executive Officer (or equivalent) has approved this policy and is responsible for ensuring its implementation, operation and compliance with any applicable regulations and industry codes.  

Our principles

We are committed to making it possible for customers to have access to their internet services during periods of long- or short-term financial hardship. If you are having trouble paying your invoices, we are here to help you. To avoid suspensions and disconnections wherever possible we are happy to work with you to help you to meet your financial obligations. 

If you need help to pay for your internet service, contact us as early as possible. We can offer a range of options to help control your spend, including plan reduction, repayment options, and we even have a financial hardship policy to help if you are experiencing long or short term hardship. 

 Credit management p

  • All invoices are due for payment within seven (7) days of issue. 
  • You may request reasonable extension on payment due date. 
  • Up to 14 days due date extensions can be granted by our support team. 
  • Longer extension will be assessed by management on a case- by-case basis. 
  • If you are experiencing financial hardship, please refer to our financial hardship policy. 
  • No more than three extensions will be granted by the support team within 12 month period. 

 Disputed amounts 

We do not take credit management action when we are made aware that amounts are: 

  • the subject of an unresolved complaint  
  • the dispute has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the consumer, and  
  • is being investigated by us, TIO or a relevant recognised third party. 

We will tell you when we begin any credit management action after the resolution of that dispute. Where  part of an amount on a bill is the subject of an unresolved complaint, we will let you know that credit management action may be taken in relation to amounts, which are not the subject of that unresolved complaint.