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Why does my internet keep dropping out?


Internet keeps dropping out? Here’s why.

Unreliable internet is one of the most frustrating things to deal with in our modern lives, especially if you don’t know why it’s happening. 

Here’s our guide to the three most common causes of nbn® dropouts, along with some troubleshooting tips.

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Common issue #1 – hardware issues

The problem could be a faulty router, or your device itself.

Your nbn® connection relies on a number of components to deliver internet to your home. Any one of your devices or equipment may fail, resulting in connectivity troubles.

Check whether it’s only one device, such as a phone or laptop, experiencing connectivity troubles, or several devices. 

If it’s only one device, your nbn® is probably fine – but your device might be having trouble. If it’s directly linked to the router, such as via an Ethernet connection, check the cords to ensure they are safely plugged in and not damaged. If it’s on the Wi-Fi, try turning it off and on again.

Your router might be outdated or not functioning properly. Ensure it’s compatible with your internet plan and supports high speeds.

If your router is more than 3-5 years old, it may not support the latest Wi-Fi standards and speeds. This may result in a slower internet connection or internet that drops out. It’s probably time to buy a new router.

Issue #2 – network congestion

Too many people using the network at once can slow you down.

When a lot of users and devices in your area connect to the internet at the same time, it can overwhelm the nbn® infrastructure. This can result in slower speeds and even dropouts at peak usage times.

Additionally, if you are using more internet at home now, you may also experience a slower connection. With the rise of streaming, social media, virtual working, smart home devices and more, the demand on a traditional internet plan is forever growing.

Consider upgrading your internet speed with a faster plan.

> Check your address here to see what plans are available in your area.

Issue #3 – weather problems

Bad weather can cause bad signals and dropouts.

Heavy rains, storms, or strong winds can cause damage to infrastructure, such as cables and antennae, resulting in signal deterioration and ultimately dropouts.

If there has been severe weather in your area, you can see if that is what is causing your dropouts by visiting our outage and maintenance page here.

How can I prevent nbn® dropouts?

Now that you’re familiar with some of the common causes of nbn® dropouts, let’s look at some solutions.

Maintain your hardware

Regularly inspect and maintain your gear, which includes the NBN modem, router, wires and even the power board. Ensure all your equipment is in good shape, free of damage and not overheating, and that all cables and equipment are properly plugged in and updated to the current firmware, and consider updating an older router.

Opt for off-peak usage

Try scheduling bandwidth-intensive activities, such as streaming, downloading or gaming, during off-peak hours, when network congestion is less common. This may help to reduce network pressure and dropouts.


As previously noted, weather can have a significant impact on your connection experience. It might be worth weatherproofing your exterior cables and connections. Shielding them from the outdoors can reduce signal disruptions during inclement weather.

Line inspection

If you suspect line quality issues, particularly if you have copper or coaxial cable, contact your service provider to schedule a line inspection. Sometimes a small repair or replacement can make a huge difference.

Fix your Wi-Fi

If your problems aren’t related to the nbn® at all, check out our useful guide to making the most of your Wi-Fi.

Upgrade your plan

If the internet keeps dropping out, your nbn® connection might be the problem. If you use one of the older types of nbn® – fibre to the node, fibre to the curb, fibre to the building, or hybrid fibre-coaxial – worn-out and unreliable infrastructure may be the cause of your dropouts. 

Choose the right nbn® package for your household’s internet use. If your internet is constantly slow and laggy, you may need a higher package. 

> Check out our nbn® plans here. 

If you need some help understanding the various nbn® speeds available, check out this nbn speed blog.

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Get in touch

If you’ve read every blog and tried every troubleshooting tip, it may be time to call us and ask “Why does my internet keep dropping out?” Our Australia-based customer service team is on hand to help with suggestions, advice, and technical visits if necessary.   

To sign up, or enquire, send us a message and our team will be in touch soon.

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