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Five best early learning apps for kids

Ask any parent and they’ll tell you they feel slightly guilty handing their kids a device–even if it’s only to end a supermarket tantrum or take an important call from work. That’s just lazy parenting, right? 

Well, next time anyone tries to guilt you about your pre-schooler being on a device, you can tell them your child is not playing, they’re learning. Here are our top five picks for educational apps that will grow your child’s knowledge and imagination, and allow you to continue with supermarket shopping. 

1. Baby Rattle Child Lock Basic (free) 

Get ready for cuteness overload because this app is adorable! It turns your phone into a rattle that makes a noise when your child shakes it. It’s simple but will keep babies and toddlers entertained for hours. 

2. ABC Play School Play Time (free) 

Using this app, kids get to hang out with Humpty Dumpty and the Play School Clock as they help celebrate Humpty’s birthday while learning to tell the time.  

3. Bubbles ($0.99) 

It’s a well-known fact that all kids love bubbles, and this app lets them create and pop their own virtual bubbles. It also helps them develop their fine motor skills, it’s also strangely mesmerising and satisfying. 

4. Crayola Colour, Draw & Sing ($2.99) 

It’s a digital colouring and activity book that rewards your child by adding instruments to a song they are creating. In the process, it develops fine motor skills, memory and hand-eye coordination. 

5. 100 Yay! (free) 

Pre-schoolers have fun while learning the numbers 1 to 100. Early activities teach 1 to 10 and numbers are added as the skill of your child improves. This app is so effective, it’s even used in some Australian schools. 



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